Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Restart

One of my favorite things about each day is that it's new. I haven't yelled at bad drivers; I haven't overreacted with my kids or spouse; I haven't eaten all the snacks in my secret stash and then regretted my choices. As L.M. Montgomery's famous redheaded orphan quips, "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it yet?" It's the same reason I love Mondays and the first day of each month. It's a fresh new starting point, an opportunity to begin again and move past the mistakes of last week or the previous month. 

It's why, after 14 years, I pulled the plug on a blog that was no longer working for me. All the promises of writing regularly, finding your niche, and expanding to include social media channels - all the things you're "supposed" to do if you want to hit it big - weighed me down. Not because I was good at them and succeeding, but because I felt the weight of my failure every time I went to the blog. I never achieved the notoriety I once thought I might.

So I closed it down and felt relief. But then I thought about my love of new days, Mondays, new months, and January 1 - fresh starts and no expectations, just possibilities. Why not start a new blog? Not one that is bogged down in 14 years of history, but one that is simply an outlet for me. Whether people find and read it - or don't - is not the point this time. What a novel idea...doing something for the pure enjoyment of it, rather than running after the numbers.  

So consider this my restart. I'm writing for no one but myself. I'm making a record of the things I'm learning and working on. I'm not worried about views or shares or social media tags. If I have something to write about, I will. If I have nothing, there's no pressure. It's Monday and New Year's all rolled into one. Hello, world. 

Look for the following blog posts, coming...whenever I get around to it. 😏